10 Things Every Woman Should Do In Her 30s

6. Make your dream happen

You have to give it a try, otherwise, you’ll regret it in your 40s. Your life hasn’t been yet decided, there is time to finally do what you’ve always dreamed of.

7. Fix something

It’s an unbelievable feeling to do something you’ve never thought you could do. It’s so empowering to repair something you have never done before. You will surprise yourself.

8. Start saying ‘no’

And don’t feel guilty when you refuse to do things that you don’t want. Set your priorities straight and don’t feel shy about offering excuses, you have one life and you must design it after your own aspirations.

MORE: The 4 Types Of Love You’ll Experience To Find ‘The One’

9. Pay attention to money

You’ll be thankful for  the long haul. Knowing what’s your financial status and where you stand is very important for the upcoming events.

10. Open your mind

Literally, broaden your thinking, accept other people’s opinions, access their minds. You will only benefit from it.

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