Rome wasn’t built in a day, nor romance without play. That’s why we should be more careful concerning our daily habits. Here are 5 of them that can help us build a healthy and lasting relationship.
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1. Spending time together
It might seem obvious, but a relationship needs time spent together in order to grow. And I don’t mean sitting on the couch watching TV. I mean going out and trying new things together.
2. Learning how to fight
Nobody can escape arguments in their relationships. But the good news is that there is such a thing as healthy fighting. It’s important to learn how to fight in such a way that none of partners ends up insulted or put down, to solve the conflict without bringing up the past or situations that can not be solved.
3. Continuing to flirt
It’s easy to get comfortable in a relationship and begin to take your partner for granted. But you should always try to seduce your partner as if you were at the beginning of the relationship. Flirt, kiss, embrace, tell them a story about yourself you’ve never said to anyone else.
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4. Dividing the chores
Nobody likes chores, so you shouldn’t let your partner carry the whole responsibility for them. Do your own dishes, clean after yourself, take turns with shopping and paying the bills. By equally dividing the responsibilities you confirm yourselves as being a team and you keep your partner from feeling taken advantage of.
5. Paying each other compliments
This is a way of flirting. Telling your partner what you admire about them, what qualities you would like to have, what inspires you about them is an easy way to make your partner’s day brighter.
Cherish your relationship by investing time and energy into it! Please, share this!