5 Things That Make A Strong First Impression

Studies show we can usually tell a lot about a person when we first meet them even before we have a conversation with them. We’ve all heard that first impressions are important, especially when it comes to job interviews. We’ve also heard of the saying “don’t judge a book by its cover”. Oh well, we’re not judging. We’re just here to help you with some tips on how to make a great first impression. So here are the 5 things that make a strong first impression!

Your handshake

It all starts with a handshake. Whenever you meet someone for the first time, make sure you shake their hand firmly, but gently. This will tell them you are confident.

Your shoes

Research tells us that the color, style, or general appearance of the shoes can reveal big part of one’s personality. If that’s true, then you’d better polish your shoes – the shinier the better!

Watch the clip below to find out more about making a great first impression!

We hope these facts will help you make a killer first impression! Pass this on, share it with your friends!