3 Subtle Signs That Someone Is Clearly Falling In Love With You

Falling in love is a mysterious process. It can happen out of a sudden or it can sneak up on you slowly. And you can never be sure what the other is really feeling. Here are 3 subtle, yet undeniable signs that someone is falling in love with you and you don’t even know it.

MORE: 7 Honest Signs You’re Falling In Love With Your Special Someone

1. They are trying (awkwardly) to start conversations with you

No matter how silly or profound the topic of the conversation, when someone is really trying to communicate with you, this shows genuine interest.

2. They seem really happy to see you

If someone smiles when you are coming through the door or they seem sad to see you leave, this a clear sign of affection.

3. They seem eager to help you

MORE: The Difference Between Love And Physical Attraction

You should start paying attention to that person who is willing to help you even when you don’t know that you need help. This kind of support can only come from genuine affection.

Of course, before starting to plan your wedding and name your future kids, you should make sure that you really have a lover on your hands, and not a stalker or just a nice person who is maybe a bit too friendly. But whatever you decide to do or feel, don’t ignore these signs. Please, share this!