Capricorn is a cardinal sign, associated with the element of Earth and ruled by the planet Saturn. They are resourceful, tenacious and have a realistic, grounded approach to life. Moreover, they are the kind of people to have around in a crisis.
If there’s a Capricorn out there that you want to seduce, keep in mind the following:
1. Make them work for it
Having a goal and working hard to achieve it is very important for them. You don’t need to play hard to get, but let them feel that your interest in them is the result of their skill and perseverance.
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2. Persuade them with actions, not words
If they appear standoffish and distant, it’s because they don’t wear their emotions on their sleeves. That’s why showing them that you care with little gestures or even gifts will be more important for them than grand declarations of love.
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3. Introduce them to your family and friends
They are a family kind of people and they will appreciate meeting yours; being introduced to your inner circle will prove that you care for them.
4. Include them in your future plans
They know and like to plan for the future so being a part of yours is something they will enjoy. They don’t mind taking things slowly, but make sure they know you will still be there tomorrow.
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5. Laugh at their jokes
Capricornus is the mythological cousin of Pan and his playful band of satyrs. The Capricorns like to laugh and make other laugh. You won’t have to fake it, since they really have a good sense of humor.
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