7 Awesome Tips to Keep Your Hair Healthy and Shiny

Our hairdo says a lot about who we are. We’re putting time and energy into making it look as shiny and glamorous as possible. But what if all it takes is to have healthy hair? Maybe it’s not about the array of products you’re using to take care of it, but about the right things to do to keep it healthy. If you want that bouncy hair, here are 7 awesome tips to keep your hair healthy and shiny.

1. Be more careful with your hair when it’s wet.

Your hair tends to break a lot more when wet so you might want to be less harsh when you shampoo it. And make sure you don’t brush it right away.

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2. Use conditioner regularly.

Make sure you moisture your hair with conditioner every time you wash it. The best way to do it is to start conditioning 2 inches away from the scalp. You may have noticed that when you skip conditioning, your hair feels and looks a bit frizzy.

3. Protect your hair from dirty, warm or wet environment.

Too much sun, wind or rain can make your hair look slightly weird, yes. So next time it’s cloudy you might want to take that umbrella with you. Another damaging factor for your hair is pollution. Try covering your hair from time to time.

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4. Use shampoo and conditioner from the same line.

For best results, use a single line instead of two individual products.

5. Be careful with over applying heat.

Using a hair dryer is probably not the best option. Try using this as well as straighteners only if necessary. Nobody wants burned hair.

6. Cold water is great for your hair!

Try to use lukewarm or cold water when you wash your hair. Your hair will thank you. Hot water usually affects our hair just as much as heat does so be careful with that.

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7. Eat healthy food.

Your diet is essential in maintaining healthy and strong hair. Stress is often associated with hair breakage but you can combat that with eating all the right foods.

And that’s all you need to know to have sensational hair! Don’t forget to share and tell your friends how to get healthier hair!