This shipping container looks normal from the outside but you won’t believe what’s inside. A tiny cozy home was created inside this red big box and it’s absolutely wonderful.
People are starting to learn how to live with less and how to maximize their space. Less can mean better and this house is an example of that. You can totally have a gorgeous home, even in a small space like this. But only if you are smart and use the space wisely. Having a small home means more space outside so it’s a really good choice for people who enjoy spending time outside, relaxing or gardening.
In every tiny house, organization is crucial. Using every bit of space and giving up of some old whims to make room only for the necessities is key. You must always use the space for something practical.
As we’re talking about a shipping container, it can be shipped anywhere, so that’s another big advantage of building a house inside a container. This is located in Beaumont, Texas, but we’re sure that creative owners like these can also be found in other parts of the world.
Have a look at this lovely house and maybe you’ll be inspired to create a tiny home and get by with less:
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The bathroom has all that it needs, washing machine and all. Easy to dry the laundry too, considering the space outside.
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Some may think the bedroom is claustrophobic, but it’s a place to sleep.
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The open space is quite nice, kitchen and living-room. Every bit of space is carefully divided.
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Not often can you find stoves in tiny homes like these.
Let’s face it. You don’t need much to have a decent lifestyle.
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Remember these photos when you’ll spend all your earnings on furniture and home stuff.

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