3 Easy-Peasy Steps Toward Happiness You Can Take Today

The Roman philosopher Seneca said that “true happiness is to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future”. Do you agree with this definition of happiness? Living in the moment has indeed been found to make us truly happy that’s why we should cherish the moments spent with our loved ones.

MORE: New Neuroscience Reveals The 4 Rituals That Make You Happy

But when was the last time you evaluated your overall happiness, your life satisfaction? It’s important to take some time and assess our life coordinates, though it may be a strenuous task at first. But you must aim to be better, always. So here are 3 easy-peasy steps toward happiness you can start doing today in order to improve your happiness:

1. Own your negative thoughts

We’re only humans. We do learn from our mistakes and try to face the matters of the soul with positivity but we inevitably slip through the rabbit hole of misery every so often.

The single thing you can do to cast off negative thinking is to acknowledge and confront your dark thoughts. To own them not to bury them, that’s the key. Asking yourself questions like ‘why am I feeling this way’ or ‘why am I having these thoughts, on what grounds?‘ will help you overcome your negative thoughts that are otherwise trapped in your head.

MORE: The Secret To Avoiding Drama In Your Life

2. Give yourself a break

You should show yourself exactly the same support and compassion you display for other people. Chasing dreams otherwise impossible to achieve makes us to be overly ambitious with ourselves. We should go easy on ourselves instead.

3. Find purpose

Easier said than done, right? Research has shown that finding a purpose and meaning in life helps us to achieve happiness in life. Genuine satisfaction at work is far more rewarding than the remuneration. Money doesn’t buy happiness and we have studies to prove it. So always seek to find your life’s true calling.

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