Funniest Encounter on A Plane: Girl Meets Favorite Singer And Doesn’t Realize It’s Him

It’s everyone’s fantasy to meet their favorite artist or even catch a glimpse of them, one of those lucky encounters you literally pray to happen. One lucky girl had the great opportunity to sit next to her favorite singer but never realized it was him. Dotan, the musician in question, live-tweeted the entire story.

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While on a plane, the 31-year-old Dutch singer noticed the girl next to him was listening to his album. As they started talking, he realized that she did not recognize him. He dropped a few hints but the girl had no clue she was having a conversation with the guy whose music she was listening to. Dotan shared the whole experience with his followers and eventually decided to leave her a note, as one user suggested. Read on how the situation unfolded and how the girl reacted in the end.

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Dotan is a 31-year-old Dutch singer-songwriter who met his fan while on a flight.

Last July, he shared the encounter with his Twitter followers:

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