5 Habits Of People In Sexually Satisfying Relationships

With our lives being as hectic as they are, it’s easy to put sex on the back burner. But it’s not at all advisable, because it leads to resentment and a slow corrosion of the relationship.

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How do these people keep the spark alive?

1. They make time for sex

It may not sound that romantic, but sometimes it’s a good idea to plan your sexual encounters with your partner. You probably believe that sex should be spontaneous and organic. Well, that would be ideal, but it’s better to schedule it than not having sex at all. When you do schedule it, you say to your partner that your sexual life is important to you and that you are willing to make an effort.

2. They talk about it

Being comfortable talking about sex is an important aspect of sexual satisfaction. Feeling safe to talk about your fantasies, about what gives you pleasure and what doesn’t, about what you want to try out and what makes you uncomfortable strengthens the bond between partners.

3. They laugh about it

Laughing with your partner can be a great aphrodisiac. It shows that you can be silly, creative and spontaneous and you don’t fear that the other will judge you. Sharing humor or creating your own inside jokes triggers the release of endorphins and produces a general sense of well-being.

4. They enjoy the anticipation of it

It’s not only sexual intercourse that creates a satisfactory feeling about your love life. If you kiss, hold hands, make sexual innuendos or send each other sexy pics throughout the day, this will increase the sexual energy between you two.

5. They don’t seek perfection

Maybe you dream of being a sexual superhero, who can satisfy his partner every single time. But this puts too much pressure on both of you and becomes counterproductive. If you can laugh about your mishaps, about the weird sounds and the funny faces both of you make during sex, then you will be more relaxed and therefore much happier.

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