5 Ways To Seduce A Gemini

So you have a crush on a Gemini and you don’t know how to win them over. First of all, you should know that Gemini people are incredibly passionate and creative individuals. These two facts alone could give enough hints as to how you’ll have them fall for you.

Here are other sure ways to seduce the Gemini guy or girl:

MORE: 10 Truths About Gemini!

1. Be ready to embrace change

Change is all they need. If you’re generally afraid of it, then you might not be the best lover for these people.

2. Pay attention to your physical aspect

One of their weak spots is for physically attractive people. So make sure you spend extra time on getting yourself ready for your first date. Or the second and the third.

MORE: 6 Things You Must Know If You Love A Gemini

3. Be willing to try out new things in bed

They are among the most sexually creative people of the zodiac so they’ll always come up with new ideas on how to spice things up.

4. Stimulate them with a deep and clever conversation

They are crazy about someone who matches their intellectual abilities. Debating hot topics will surely keep your date lively and fresh.

MORE: The Perfect Gift For The Gemini In Your Life

5. Make sure you’re flirting enough with them

Being flirtatious is very appealing to them. So don’t hesitate to play when around them.

Don’t forget to watch our video below!

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