8 Signs Your Girlfriend Is Cheating On You

If you’re having doubts about relationship and you think your girlfriend might be cheating on you, take a look at these 10 signs and find out the truth.

MORE: 4 Signs He’s Emotionally Cheating

1. She highlights your imperfections – pointing out flaws that before were non-existent might be her way of collecting leverage to break up with you.

2. She gives you the cold shoulder – when she’s always been there for you, warming your heart, but now she’s acting distant.

MORE: 6 Most Common Traits Of A Cheater

3. You’re no longer a team – being in a committed relationship entails doing everything together as a team, working out your every day stuff as well as matters of the soul. The moment she starts doing things on her own, it means she’s planning on leaving or replacing you.

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4. Being possessive out of the blue – checking your whereabouts more often than usual might signal cheating. That implies you always have to know where your partner is at all times.

MORE: 5 Signs They Will Never Leave You

5. She doesn’t share anymore – not opening up to you the same as she did before is a red flag of emotional cheating, something more damaging than a physical fling.

6. Trouble in bed – it’s normal to skip sex in a long-term relationship but no longer being intimate and close before dark sets in might signal issues in the relationship and even cheating.

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7. She’s getting a makeover – all of the sudden she changes her looks despite having the same haircut and style since the two of you first got together? Oh yes, she’s probably cheating.

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