Rewire Your Brain To Live In The Present Moment With This Ancient Japanese Technique

We live in the century of speed. Living life at full throttle can get pretty overwhelming. For starters, it can be rather strenuous to keep up with all the daily demands and actually finish them at the end of the day. Responsible for this failure is the inability to remain focused.

How do you stay focused in a fast-forward environment? How do you manage to not lose sight of the big picture? The dynamics of life has changed so much that we are having a really hard time living in the present. And cherishing the present moment.

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How to live mindfully in a digital world? That is the big question.

The Japanese have always been more cunning in praising the now. They have developed a technique to improve your life and productivity. It is called ichigyo-zammai’ and it means full concentration on a single act.

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The practice of one thing at a time, that is the secret to increasing productivity.

To get the job done, focus on one thing at a time. Here are 6 steps to practicingichigyozammai’:

1. First thing in the morning, make a to-do list with all the chores and other things that you want to accomplish for the day.

2. List them in order of importance, from the ones you feel will make you more satisfied if completed to the less important.

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3. Take each task at a time and estimate how long it will take you to complete it. We are known for overestimating what we can do over a long period of time and underestimate what we are able to get done in an hour. Take note of how much you can achieve in shorter blocks of time and it will wow you to see how productive you can be in one day.

4. You have to give up all the distractions that interfere with you working on the task you have committed to do. You should also set a timer for this one task.

5. Maintain your concentration by being aware of your thoughts. The moment your mind starts drifting away and you feel poached with thoughts, tell yourself this moment will pass fast and you will soon get back in the rhythm, focusing on that specific task.

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6. Whatever you do, washing the dishes, cleaning the room, cooking dinner, be aware of your surroundings and live in the moment. Think about how great it is to do these things.

This is the beauty of it all, to find joy in every single thing that you do.

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May it be walking the dog, sipping a cup of coffee or doing the laundry. Don’t think about the toil of meeting deadlines, it will eventually become a strain that will no longer give you the possibility to complete any task.

When you put all of yourself in whatever it is that you’re doing, that’s the moment you’ll find peace within, you’ll become more productive and more appreciative of live overall. Slowing down and giving your full attention to things will make you a lot happier in your life. Trust us.

Share this amazing advice, tell everybody to live in the present and enjoy life as it is!