These 3 Steps Will Help You Regain Your Confidence

Acting confident isn’t something set in stone. You can be relatively confident and suddenly find yourself amid a panic attack triggered by something trivial.


These swings in confidence are normal and you should remind yourself that all emotions have a role in our lives. But sometimes the system that we are gets high jacked by a negative emotion that can ruin an important project or a relaxing day on the beach.

1. A first step towards coping with the lost self-esteem is to figure out if the alarm that your emotions are signaling is true or false.

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Is your project really bad and needs changing or is that little remark that your colleague has made still on your mind? In other words, do your emotions want to keep you safe from danger or are you just overreacting?

2. Another thing you can do when feeling overwhelmed is to try and see the big picture.

Ask your friends and colleagues to give you feedback on your work. Or take a break or a shower and come back to what you were doing with a clear mind.

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3. If this doesn’t work, try some positive procrastination.

Do those things that you’ve been avoiding or just didn’t have time to do until now. It will make you feel more in control and it decreases the feeling of impotence.

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In other words, don’t fight your emotions. Just asked yourself what is that they want to convey and then put things in perspective.

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