Here’s Why Being Socially Awkward Is Not Such A Bad Thing After All

Being socially awkward is more than blushing when someone pays you a compliment. Or not really wanting to go to a team building outing. Being truly socially awkward can drastically influence your life and can end up in total isolation. But there’s an upside to it.


Socially awkward people dread crowds and a simple party can become a major source of anxiety. They usually miss important social cues and are awful at small talk.

Psychologist Ty Tashiro considers that these people have less activity in the part of the brain which deals with social interactions. They have difficulties facing social situations with which others are at ease.

Because they tend to focus their attention very narrowly and are naturally curious, these people tend to become interested in subjects that others neglect. They pour their whole energy and time into these interests, which may cause innovation and new discoveries. They notice things that others miss and when they do, they do it from a different, nuanced and deep perspective.

Generally, they are very good at solving problems that require a systematic way of thinking. They see patterns where others see chaos.

The good part is that people can unlearn their social awkwardness. They can be coached into paying attention to social cues like eye contact during conversations, to ask questions so that they can further the conversation.

And also they can learn that making a mistake is something that happens and that their entourage will tolerate it. Especially if the community recognizes their unique talents, this will encourage to practice their emphatic capacities and therefore becoming more socially apt.

The truth is that awkward people have a special kind of charm about them and can be very seducing in their strange ways. Share this!