Why You Should Stop Texting Your Friend In Need

When a friend is going through a crisis, be it a work crisis, a romantic or a college-related one, the first thing we do is send him a text asking if he is ok. But research says you should rethink your aid strategy.

Even if the first impulse is sending him a message, you should think about what your next move is. You should forget about sending him another message and go meet him in person.

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A study conducted by the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Canada found that helping out a friend in person during a stressful situation is better than guiding him with text.

Therefore, if your friend has entered times of crisis, you must run to him and begin that pep talk in person. While you’re there, make sure you also give them a big hug.

Hugging a person for at least 20 seconds has positive effects on health and well-being, research shows.

Though we do connect socially through a device, it’s not the best way to communicate during a time of crisis.

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Talking to a friend face-to-face means better emotional results, despite texting being such a powerful tool for social communication.

A live communication means a definite improvement in mood, the visual plus the auditory do play an important part. Past studies have shown that simply hearing your mother’s voice or looking at family pictures can battle stress.

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The best way to support people in need is not through text messages since they can easily be misinterpreted. So stop texting your friend when he’s in trouble and go help him in person!

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