5 Gift Ideas For Your Friend Struggling With Depression

To buy a present for someone struggling with depression can be an exhausting task. Can you cheer up people living on the dark side of life? Christmas and the holidays are all about giving, but those fighting depression feel like they do not deserve anything, let alone receiving gifts or being celebrated.

Even if they’re clearly not in a merry mood, a gift could possibly bring, just for a couple of moments, a smile on their faces. Here are some ideas to get you started:

MORE: What You Should Know If You Love Someone With High-Functioning Depression 

1. Time

This is the best gift you can ever give them. Depression has a way of sneaking into your soul and mind, until it leaves you inert, sometimes numb and apathetic. Some think that those struggling with depression push people away deliberately, but that’s not at all true. All they need is your time. Your visits, your invariable presence. A promise that you’ll go away for a few days. A plan to do something together, to travel to somewhere nice. Give them something to look forward to and you’ve already brought little joy into their lives.

MORE: 5 Things You Should Never Say To Someone With Depression

2. Books

It may sound like a predictable gift, but books always find a way to get to your heart and right into the shelves. Books do no harm, on the contrary, it’s food for the soul. So it’s safe to say that your friend will value a good book, and even a self-help one might do the trick.

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3. Blanket

Weighted blankets are designed to be 10% of your body weight to naturally reduce stress and anxiety while increasing relaxation. These blankets are soft and calming, they improve sleep. And we all know how important sleep is for people suffering from depression.

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4. Pill case

Another useful idea would be a pill case. Many people with depression tend to forget to take their medication. So it’s not a dull gift, it’s something that they might need to make their life easier.

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5. Essential oils

Aromatherapy helps relaxing the mind and the body, so a couple of essential oils will be deeply welcomed. They help with anxiety, inner peace, panic attacks, dark thoughts and people with depression might enjoy them.

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