The Best Marriage Advice From A Divorced Woman

Are you pondering about getting married? Are you even ready to take the big step? Do you have any idea how the game is played? Do you know what you’re getting yourself into? Yes, before walking down the aisle, you should ask yourself these things because, sadly, half of all marriages end in divorce. And you want it to last forever, naturally.

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This is the advice of a woman whose marriage lasted 7 years. She points out some really interesting key elements a matrimony needs to last a lifetime. Learn from her mistakes, follow her guidelines and you may live happily ever after.

MORE: The Best Marriage Advice From A Divorced Man

1. Don’t highlight his flaws – Seek out only the best in him, not the things you don’t like. Do not try to change or fix him, accept and love him for who he is. Never forget or take for granted that he chose you.

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2. Don’t assume you know how he needs to be loved – Be sensitive to his needs, love him in the way he needs it and give him love signals he can understand. Make love even when you don’t feel like it, men are sexually needy and there’s nothing else that can bring you more closely together.

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3. Don’t overlook his needs – Take care of your man when he needs you to, be there for him. Give him time and attention. Over time, he will repay you in the same way.

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4. Don’t be dependent on him – Men need their space, we change constantly and they have to find themselves first before letting his guard down in front of someone else.

5. Don’t close up – Always say what’s in your heart. Men tend to know when we’re lying and when we tell the truth. Acknowledge your mistakes and always say sorry when you are wrong.

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