The Native American Zodiac: What’s Your Sign And What Does It Mean?

Did you know that there is also a Native American Zodiac with symbols based on our date of birth? Apparently, we have all been assigned a spirit animal as soon as we were born.

If you want to find out the meaning behind this special zodiac, you’ve come to the right place. Here is the interpretation of the 12 Native American symbols.


January 20 – February 18

This symbol is all about creativity and intuition. If you’re born during this period, chances are you have a sharp mind and a loyal character that helps you understand your friends better. Do not worry, the otter is there for you!

Compatible with: Raven, Falcon, Deer

Lucky color: Silver

Lucky day: Saturday

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February 19 – March 20

The wolf is the lover of the Native American Zodiac because they are very intense, deeply emotional and passionate. People who have this symbol usually make decisions based on how they feel and they are always ready to sacrifice for the ones they love.

Compatible with: Woodpecker, Bear, Snake

Lucky color: Blue-green

Lucky day: Thursday

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March 21 – April 19

The Falcon is the leader of the Native American zodiac. They are especially brilliant when it comes to their professions. They can handle tough or stressful situations pretty well so being under pressure is not a problem for them.

Compatible with: Salmon or Owl

Lucky color: Yellow or Green

Lucky Day: Tuesday


April 20 – May 20

The Beaver loves to take charge of things and is usually very efficient and flexible. If you are born in this period, then you are a great strategist, but also loyal and compassionate.

Compatible with: Woodpecker, Bear, Goose

Lucky color: Yellow or Blue

Lucky Day: Friday

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May 21 – June 20

This symbol is the muse of the zodiac. This is because they are particularly creative and witty and with a sense of humor to envy. No wonder they’re the life of the party. Their sparkly personality, alongside their intelligence make them great people to be around with.

Compatible with: Raven or Otter

Lucky color: Yellow or Blue

Lucky day: Wednesday


June 21 – July 22

This is usually the most nurturing sign of this zodiac. They are supporting and show great empathy towards their loved ones. It’s in their nature to be romantic and caring so if you need a shoulder to cry on, they will most certainly offer you the help you need.

Compatible with: Wolf, Snake, Beaver

Lucky color: Pink

Lucky day: Monday

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July 23– August 22

These people are usually very proud radiating with confidence and enthusiasm. It’s a joy to have them around as they can lift everyone’s spirits. They make friends easily due to their extroverted and generous nature.

Compatible with: Owl and Falcon

Lucky color: Red

Lucky day: Saturday


August 22 – September 21

The bear is a practical sign. You can always count on them for a reality check. But they have a heart of gold and are very affectionate and warm once you get to know them better.

Compatible with: Goose, Beaver

Lucky color: Purple, Brown

Lucky day: Wednesday


September 22 – October 23

The Raven is the most charismatic symbol of this zodiac. They make great entrepreneurs and their joyous energy makes people want to have them around. When in love, they are patient, romantic and intuitive.

Compatible with: Otter, Deer

Lucky color: Blue, Brown

Lucky day: Friday


October 23 – November 22

This sign makes a great spiritual leader, with most shamans born under this Native American symbol. They truly possess healing energy so they are excellent in medical professions. They can also be mysterious and rather sensitive.

Compatible with: Woodpecker, Wolf

Lucky color: Violet, Orange

Lucky day: Tuesday

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November 21 – December 21

These people have a warm, easy-going nature. They are known for engaging in life passionately and wholeheartedly with an amazing thirst for adventure. They are also sensitive and creative and would make great artists and teachers.

Compatible with: Falcon, Salmon

Lucky color: Gold, Black

Lucky day: Thursday


December 22 – January 19

People born in this period are very reliable and ambitious. They won’t leave any tasks incomplete. They are also competitive and determined but nurturing and passionate when it comes to romance.

Compatible with: Beaver, Bear, Raven

Lucky color: White, Silver

Lucky day: Saturday

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