If Music Gives You Goosebumps, Your Brain Might Be Special

Have you ever felt chills down your spine while listening to a song you really like? Or maybe when listening to something for the first time that really moved you?

Whether you’re a music fan or not, having this sort of reaction when you hear a song means your brain is quite unique. Here’s what a recent study tells us.

The trigger is something that moves us, something that we find emotionally amazing and unique. Studies tell us that we can experience this when we’re more immersed in a song, that is when we pay more attention to external stimuli. But some of us get goosebumps more quickly than others.

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The investigation began when a Harvard student thought about the reasons behind these chills. In short, he wanted to know what exactly triggered this reaction in people when listening to music they enjoyed.

What he discovered was rather intriguing.
It looks like people who reported getting goosebumps have a different brain structure.

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What does this mean?

This tells us that their auditory cortex connects better with areas that process emotions, which is to say they communicate better. This happens because of denser volume of fibers which means there is more efficient processing between these two regions.

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That’s why when we get goosebumps while listening to our favorite tracks we tend to experience stronger and more intense emotions and sensations. If we associate the song, consciously or subconsciously, with certain memories or people, then the more likely we are to get a strong reaction.

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And it’s all because of music. This study could prove to be very useful for the field of neuroscience, in particularly when it comes to alternative treatments for depression. Why not use music as therapy to see if there are any positive effects? Depression is known for causing inability to experience joy and pleasure, but maybe music could change that.

Here’s hoping. Please share this!