What Everyone Should Know About Anger

Anger is a multifaceted creature. From mild irritation to punching your boss in the face, anger is considered a negative emotional state, that everybody experiences, but nobody enjoys.


Caused either by external or internal events, by present situations or memories of past events, anger is an instinctive response to threats. So it is only natural for us to find ourselves in a fighting or defending mood. But it is better not go where anger is taking us, down to the aggressiveness road.

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There are 3 main approaches that people use to deal with anger:

1. Expressing your anger when necessary

It means being assertive, knowing and expressing our needs and feelings without hurting others. It means finding a way to act so that you respect yourself and others equally.

2. Suppressing your anger is a result of the bad reputation that anger has in our society.

Keeping your anger bottled up may be tempting, but it is not sustainable. When you do not allow your anger to be expressed, it converts into passive aggressive behavior, cynicism and hostility. Not to mention the damage done to your health: heart diseases, depression, etc.

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3. Calming yourself down is another positive way to deal with your anger.

It means being careful not only about how you manifest in the world, but also controlling your inner responses to triggers that you already know.

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Here are some calming techniques:

  • Breathing exercises
  • Repeating a calming word or phrase
  • Visualising a relaxing experience from your memory or your imagination
  • Exercising can relax your muscles and calm you down

Have a calm day and share this with your friends!